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AU part two: all done teachin' & great things afoot...

So I'm done! Taught my last class today, and it seemed to go well. Never talked to that many people at once before. Heck, they even gave me a stage:

Dig that rear-projection screen. It was one big room:

In which when most of the folks had shown up I had them all wave to y'all:

Nice folks. There we a lot of them, the room almost filled up completely. Lots of people, over 200 I think, but I'll have no idea until I hear from the AU folks how many showed up. And to the door monitor lady who was a huge help (she even gave me a pastry to eat before class because I didn't have time for lunch) to the AV guy saved the day when the circuit breaker kept popping on the projector & mike (what fun) to Scott D for going and getting said AV guy when it tripped, a big huge thanks for helping me out. Really helped a ton.

And in other news, Revit is taking over the world. Great main talk yesterday about where Autodesk is going in the future, and man, it's all about Revit and 3D. Showed off some fantastic looking betas, such as a very impressive realtime walkthru tool, a sketchup-ish thing called Vespa that looked neat, pulling IFC's INTO Revit, and a whole lot more. Oh, and this is what 6000 people look like (I was up in the third row):