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Art Car Caravan to Douglas- Day 5 of 6

Day 5
We woke up at the Shady Dell, ate at the amazing little diner there, did a tour of Bisbee, did a spontaneous Art Car parade through Bisbee, toured the amazing Kate Pearson's studio and postcard room, and then headed off to Douglas.
What? was that too short? Well I'm tired.
Art Car World in Douglas, AZ is fantastic. Harrod, Hunter, Bruce and a crew of others have done an amazing job of fixing up this place, building rooms, putting in bathrooms and taking countless trips to the dump. We had a long late party last night and all stayed up too late. There was a huge diner in the "dining room", a gypsy band and Marilyn signed over her car to Harrod. Now "come play with me" (the name of Marilyn's car) will live here at Art Car World. Every one in the art car community chipped in an created a small piece of fabric that Emily Duffy and Joy Johnston made into an enormous beautiful quilt. And then, to finalize the night, Kelly Lyles began painting on Marilyn and Shalom's new Prius! It's official...... THIS IS ART CAR WORLD.

Kate Pearson
Artist Kate Pearson models her pretzel hat in front of her studio in Bisbee, AZ
postcard room
Artist Kelly Lyles in The Postcard Room created by Artist Kate Pearson of Bisbee, AZ
art car world
The Plaid car at Art Car World. Douglas, AZ