Space Invader Noguchi...
Got this prototype modeled up just the other day, playing around with other ideas that we could do for coffee table bases, and this one was too much fun so we're gonna do it. It's two of the Space Invaders, actually the same one in its two 'positions' it flashes between while flying about sending screaming electric death to those below. Put them together, and they can make a table, ala Noguchi...
The top would be a thick piece of clear plastic, with the underside carved out in the shape of one of the 'space demons' that were painted on the side of the original stand-up arcade game. Here it is shown on a white shag rug (something I'm not neat enough to own, actually, so I just throw them into my renderings instead).
Still not certain what material to make it out of. The above renderings, all done in Blender (new version! woot!) and Yafray (finally getting the hang of that rendering engine), are thinking that it would be made from a thick, shiny plastic. But here's one out of wood, to give it a try...
Watch for this one, soon to be on the store! Oh yeah, we got a working store now! Double woot!