

Goings on at the BWC Architecture Studio

Backbone's New Shelves

We recently finished a shelving wall for Backbone Entertainment in Emeryville, CA. And we are very pleased with how it came out.

Each shelving unit is custom and has a design cut out on the side that incorporates the Backbone Entertainment logo.

BBE shelves

We used a 4 different custom color dyes that we make in house, and then coated each piece with a few protective layers of Shellac as the sealer. We use Shellac on many of our products because it is a renewable resource, non-toxic, low fume and easy to work with.

BBE shelf drawing

We came to Backbone with an idea for their wall of shelves that is reminiscent of a Salon Style wall of framed pictures. Each shelf has a custom frame on the front of it that lends a spooky playful feel. We then went back and forth with one of their main designers to work out the details.

The image above was made to show style and scale.

BBE lobby

We then arranged the framed shelf units on the wall, keeping with the Salon Style, and added a chest and an armoire to ground the display wall.

By working in Autodesk's Revit we are able to generate these multiple views painlessly, and give the client a real feel for how their finished product will look.

BBE Shelves

Here is a view straight on of the finished shelves on the wall.

BBE Shelves

And from the side entrance, showing the desk and neon sign that we made for the lobby previously.

BBE desk

We also put some finishing touches on the reception desk that we had made previously. And no, I don't mean the assortment of amazing old phones, typewriters, and adding machines. We added hidden strip lights that can turn on and off with a switch underneath the desk surface. Now, one can use their adding machine with the proper light.

Click here to see a previous post on the making of this desk 

And click here to see the making of the neon sign  


BBE lobby

And here is a final crow's eye view. Overall we are very happy with the lobby.

If only we made carpets too.....

Jillian Northrup