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A picture of Toast CNC Toasted onto Toast...

OK, so this is mostly a joke for those who know me, but it's still fun:

Toast on Toast

That's my face on a piece of toast. It's from this pic here:

Fez on Toast


Some friends of ours, who we're making some nifty interactive LED coffee tables with (that we'll be showing off at this year's Makers Faire), is working on a CNC sugar printer. It's a really neat idea, sugar is cheap and tiny amounts can be melted and deposited in layers to build up yummy 3D prints.
So it's a 3D printer that makes sugar models! So cool.

It uses a heat gun to melt the sugar, and in an inspired moment they realized that it would also toast bread (or other items) with precision. So then that lead to some precision toasting, which lead to Ze Frank's face toasted onto toast, and then mine...

Precision Toasting!