Maker Faire 2009 is all over...
Wow, what a great time. Maker Faire just keeps getting better!
This probably was our best year yet. Artgolf made a ton of kids really happy while surviving admirably.
Making something to survive the onslaught of several thousand seven year olds is chock full of lessons!
It also took home two blue Editor's Choice ribbons. Which we wouldn't have been able to do without our Artgolf volunteers.
Thanks for rocking everyone!
The addition of the 'space invader foosball' was a big hit with everyone.
The Maker Faire Artgolf course all folds up, packs away, and is now on it's way to storage, waiting for the next event.
We also had a booth in the Expo hall, showing off our stuff and selling our little collectable robots.
We had a bunch of fun mustaches-on-a-stick that were left over from a friend's wedding we made a bunch of stuff for.
They proved to be quite popular, selling out before noon on the first day and popping up in lots of people's photos.
We made these great panels to envelope our booth and to show off the more 3D sorts of things we do.
And being masters of flat-pack, everything in the end broke back down and was easy to ship back home!
Thanks again everyone, this was our best Faire yet!