Twisp & Catsby Conference table for Penny Arcade
Huzzah! We just finished up a conference table for Penny Arcade, and we're totally jazzed about how it came out. Excelsior!
To make it even better, it costs the same as a normal boring 'mid-level' large (it's 16' long) conference table from an office furniture store. Take that, Ikea and!
Heck, honestly we were really excited to do something for Penny Arcade. We love their online comic, and we're hoping to make it to PAX someday, but what we really love is the Child's Play charity. Class act all around. We pitched several ideas for their table, and in the end they choose to go with a 'Twisp & Catsby' theme.
We simply loved the two part comic they did with the moon, so we used that dream-like aesthetic as the basis for our table. The table is maple, the inlay of the characters is teak, and the rest is done in colored resin, which really brings the table to life. And in more ways than one, for the moon glows in the dark!
We didn't tell them we were gonna do that. They knew that the moon would be blue, but we also made it glow in the dark (and glow it does, it's pretty bright!) and then just shipped it to them as a surprise! You can see the glow at the end of this 'making of' video we did. Enjoy!