The Stage - a custom wedding stage
We've talked about the HelloLucky wedding (of Daniel and Eunice) here before, but we are going to spend a few blog posts going into detail on a few items we made for them. First off, The Stage!
We had a few design challenges to solve with this particular stage design. The actual platform that everyone would be standing on was rented. So we did not want to attach our stage to it, not wanting to put any damaging holes in the rented part, and also not knowing exactly what this rented part was going to look like until we showed up on site, the day before the wedding. The second challenge was location. The ceremony was out in the middle of a field in Northern California, so everything had to be brought out there in parts, and then assembled. We wanted to make the assembly as fool proof and easy as possible. Finally, the middle of a field in Northern California can get a bit windy. The stage assembly had to be set up the day before the wedding, staying out in the field over night. We needed to make sure everything would still be standing the next morning, no matter the weather.
And so the construction began.
We basically made the stage out of big sturdy boxes that bolted together.
Two people easily assembled and lifted the stage backer into place. And our sturdy back stage structure was created.
The sides of the stage were then staked into the ground, so it would stay standing through the windy night.
The decorative elements then clipped to the front. Hiding the back structure.
A few screws were put in to make sure nothing moved.
And the stage was up in no time.
A beautiful backdrop for a fairy tale wedding!