

Goings on at the BWC Architecture Studio

The Hobnail

A custom coffee table creation in a modern interpretation of a Hobnail Chest. IMG_5094

Here it is, in its conceptual design phase (complete with awesome espresso machine):

L:\BWC Bucket\projects\Eric&Sue_Johnston\Revit\Shops\Hobnail_Safe_V2_Shops - Sheet - 1 - Front, Top, and Corner Views.pdf

We took this old style that was originally used to make safes with wide metal strapping and big headed nails called "hobnails". They looked like this:

and re-invented it for a coffee table design, with some more modern aesthetic details added. The doors and pulls for the doors are hidden among the bumps.


The aluminum corners and chrome wheels add a touch of modern hardware to this awesome old style.


We milled out a grid of holes to attach the "hobnails" in a perfect straight grid pattern.


A first coat of finish, then the hobnails were applied.


The water based dye and waterborne lacquer were then applied to give it its final finish sheen.


A thick slab of polished glass is added to the top, giving a flat surface without having to cover any of the "hobnails". And the modern touches of aluminum corners, chrome wheels and dome headed bolts complement the rest of the Project.


Jillian Northrup