In production for the Hattiesburg Zoo
We are in full production right now for a project that finished design phase last fall. Our design of the Galapagos Tortoise enclosure and adjoining "Discovery" Area for the Hattiesburg Zoo in Mississippi is coming to life!
Here Joel, from the BWC fabrication shop, puts together the final pieces for the exterior interactive gear wall.
For scale, BWC Designer Be stands next to the main attraction of the exterior interactive gear wall. The whole thing will be painted and then final assembly and rotation testing will take place before it is shipped out.
More gears for an interior interactive wall that will be in the main event space.
This rendering of the exterior hallways of the zoo building shows the design for the window frames and arches that span the walkway.
Here is the design for the window frames and spanning arches for the inside of the main events room.
The final exterior arch. Each arch has a center medallion that is specific to that arch.
The medallions are all different animals set on a gear scene.
The final assembly will happen onsite, with stainless hardware and slotting made for the various widths of the walkway.
The window and door frames are also made of durable exterior materials. The stainless hardware of the arches matches the stainless details and hardware on the window and door frames. Pictured here is the smallest window frame, fully assembled.
The decorative carving details added to the brackets once again define our company, which I guess we could have named 'Why not', but settled instead on 'Because We Can'.