Year of the Rabbit - Bounding Forward BWC
This last weekend brought the close of the Lunar New Year celebrations, so we sent out a handful of 2023 bouncing rabbit / pop-up cards designed and assembled by our new and youngest ever Intern! She is currently 8, which we think is pretty great. The full process of concept to prototyping to fabrication & assembly were realized in this project. We expect great things from this one! And we hope for great things to all of you. Happy year of the rabbit!
Along with a bouncing rabbit, our New Years card showcased our new BWC architects logo, now featured across our website & marketing .
We’ve added the work Architects to our name, as we are doing more and more Architecture jobs these days. It has become a core part of our business. The fabrication shop at BWC is still going strong. We’ll even be releasing a new brand for just that side of our firm later this year. Perhaps another pop-up card project will be released at that time (!!). Stay tuned!