

Goings on at the BWC Architecture Studio

SF office space and the design / construction business

Jillian Northrup (one of our fabulous owners) was recently interviewed for an article investigating the current business realities in design, construction and other service industries that support the SF / Bay Area offices. The reporter for The San Francisco Standard was curious about how businesses like ours are surviving & what our recent experience in this post Covid shutdown is like as a business that services the office market in San Francisco & the greater Bay Area.

We talked about the types of project requests we received pre-Covid vs what we are seeing now. The types of project requests and client needs are certainly different for us than they were in the booming office industry pre-Covid. And certainly the issues our clients are concerned about are somewhat new. But that is to be expected, as this is an ever changing market with ever changing realities - not to mention that we’ve gone through a Globally impacting & historic event. But in many ways it’s just another bump in the continuous boom-bust business of the Bay Area. Like the 2009 crash. Or the dot-com crash before that. While it might feel different or a sudden shift, it is the same situation as always: that business owners in every industry need to be ever flexible and changing as the desires of their market shift. Not to put it lightly, as we are among the many businesses working to survive in this amazing place we call the Bay Area. And it is as challenging as it ever was. But we’re in it for the long haul, and excited to see where it continues to take us.

You can read the full article here

Jillian Northrup