
This knob goes to 11.... turning up the fun in this wall installation at the Dolby office headquarters in San Francisco. The interactive art piece has 1287 movable knobs across the 40 foot wall.

Created in separate 4ft x 8ft panels, the installation hanging was done with a meticulous precision to assure the whole piece looked like one seamless unit.

In the field, final touches and tests on the LEDs before their final installation.

A seemingly random disbursement of knobs. Spanning down the entirety of a 40ft wall, the 8ft high Knob Wall is an interactive art piece. The LEDs on the bottom are controlled with select knobs that can do multiple functions.

The knobs of different sizes, shapes and rotation capabilities laid out for assembly.

Throughout the Dolby headquarters instalation pieces were commissioned by different artisits. We were givien 4 wall area, and at each place, much like a gallery installation, Dolby installed an artist profile and piece description.

Rounding the corner, the LEDs on the bottom are controlled by select knobs that control multiple functions. The LEDs control is wirelessly accessible to be hacked and modified by the engineers that work on this floor of the Dolby headquarters.

In our fabrication shop, one by one, Joel attaches the 1287 knobs across the ten 8ft tall panels.

On another floor, a Dolby movie poster paste up wall. We mimicked an urban poster paste up look, using only movie posters from films that used Dolby sound.

We created these off site on panels that we then able to quickly install on site. The panels also helped create a cleaner look, containing the collage paste up within a constrained boarder.

Staying True to the Process, We wanted an authentic look for the layered movie poster walls, so we created these with the traditional technique of using wheat paste. A wonderfully non toxic, water cleanup gives the authentic look.

Between conference rooms a color gradient wall grid of "ears". A fun artistic nod to Dolby sound.

A seamless perfect grid of cast colored ears. From a distance just a decortative colorful panel, with a nice suprise as the viewer gets closer.

Resin cast ears in a gradient of colors lined up and ready for their final assembly.

Choosing the ear layout and color gradient at our fabrcation shop.

After drilling the holes and applying the ears onto the panels, we created jigs to assure each one was orientated perfectly; making the assembly process of these ear panels fast, fool proof and looking great.

The final wall is for the marketing & press team. This wall is a series of custom carved hardwood walnut shelves that can hold books, press materials and awards. The small groove in front allows for description cards.

Beginning the layout, the cantilevering shelves arranged decoratively along the wall.

The shelves wrap the corners on both sides of this wall, and allow for fun display of their press materials and awards.

Laying out the display wall for the custom shelf installation.

The grooves in the shelves allow for leaning different sizes of books, magazines and other printed materials. These small blocks carved with the same relief pattern sit on top the grooves and allow for awards and other items that need a flat surface.

Straight off the cutting table, the shelves are ready for sanding, oiling and the installation hardware.

A clean look along this wall to show off all their press items.