 We worked closely with the D-School design team to make these elements for this campus. The 'relax room' we made out of cedar slats so it not only gave a comfortable seat, but also a pleasant aroma.

Stanford D-School

 We worked closely with the D-School design team to make these elements for this campus. The 'relax room' we made out of cedar slats so it not only gave a comfortable seat, but also a pleasant aroma.

We worked closely with the D-School design team to make these elements for this campus. The 'relax room' we made out of cedar slats so it not only gave a comfortable seat, but also a pleasant aroma.

 The cedar slats perfectly lined up with some grain matching.

The cedar slats perfectly lined up with some grain matching.

 The short throw rolling projector screens were made to be light weight, easily manuverable and effective.

The short throw rolling projector screens were made to be light weight, easily manuverable and effective.

 The short throw screens in fabrication.

The short throw screens in fabrication.

 Final assembly of the short throw projector screens.

Final assembly of the short throw projector screens.

 Under the cedar slats in the "relax room", a sturdy frame with registration slots.

Under the cedar slats in the "relax room", a sturdy frame with registration slots.

 The slats gentle curve create a pleasently comfortable seat.

The slats gentle curve create a pleasently comfortable seat.

 Another projection screen, this one hanging from the ceiling and meant to be viewed from both sides.

Another projection screen, this one hanging from the ceiling and meant to be viewed from both sides.

 Connection detail for the hanging screen to prevent it from swaying with minimal visual anchors.

Connection detail for the hanging screen to prevent it from swaying with minimal visual anchors.

 A corner and center connection detail shot of the hanging screen.

A corner and center connection detail shot of the hanging screen.

 Final assembly of the screen at the fabrication shop.

Final assembly of the screen at the fabrication shop.

 The "relax room".

The "relax room".